Together for ARQUATA

A message of hope

“A single heartbeat, a strenuous path; life is strange, but still, it is full of unexpected wonders”

This is the message of hope that we at Cadica dedicated to the people in Central Italy recently hit by an earthquake, to show them our solidarity. A phrase written on a red heart of a “special hangtag”, created especially to accompany the small gifts we brought to the elementary school of Arquata.

Thanks to all those who contributed to the cause, we purchased winter footwear for kids of different grades and delivered it in person, as a proper conclusion to our mission.

Few, simple actions – like designing tags and writing the names of each kid on them, or buying shoes, loading them in the trunk and driving to our destination – got us fully engaged, but also made us happy to meet and support these strong, welcoming people that still face each day with a smile in spite of all hardships.

CADICAGROUP Srl - Via dell'Agricoltura, 51/C, 41012 Carpi (MO), Italy - VAT IT03508840364
a Cognita Design production