New Trees by Cadica-Big things often have small beginnings 2nd Edition

Cadica keeps alive its ethical choice project reforesting its forest and planting new trees through Tree-Nation planting projects:

With 1€ spent for our funny gadget during the last exhibitions fairs on February,  we have collected a new fund that has been used to plant 100 new trees!!!

This time we choose to help Trees for Tigers, India

The aim is to create a plantation of 50,000 trees on the fringes of Similipal National Park at Jamukeshwar village range, to improve wildlife habitat and maintain a buffer corridor for wildlife movement for endemic and endangered fauna of the region, especially tigers.

For this purpose Cadica planted 100 trees of Acacia auriculiformis!

Visit our company forest on:

Our project is already started, follow us and do your ethical choice to save our planet! #theethicalchoice

CADICAGROUP Srl - Via dell'Agricoltura, 51/C, 41012 Carpi (MO), Italy - VAT IT03508840364
a Cognita Design production