New functions on Cadica App! Download the new update version 3.1.2 (38)
News about our Cadica App
Update it by downloading it from Apple Store or Google Play to have the latest version available with the new functions!
The latest version should be 3.1.2 (38)
Download it now for iOS: https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/cadica-collection/id796342997
Download it now for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cadica.app
Some notes on the latest and useful updates:
Push notifications: you will receive notifications when we will upload new content, pages, images or news … so you won’t miss anything new!
Automatic App User Registration: anyone can now register automatically to the App, obtaining an immediate account
Saving the App Login password in the iOS wallet (for extensions and customers) so you do not have always to enter your personal credentials
Multi-page PDF sharing system : by selecting your preferred /interested pages of the catalogs you can send them, save them or share them in pdf format all together by email, wapp etc …
Stay Tuned!