Label is not only as a source of information, but above all as an element of guarantee and trust in the brand ‘From label to tag’ . Research by Interactive Market Research Institute

Il corriere del il 57% degli italiani non acquisterebbe un capo senza etichetta”

The article illustrates the search and the infographic and it describes  the importance of the label as a sign of trust but also as a status symbol.

READ MORE “Il Labelling: dall’etichetta al tag”

This article reports the full  research on the Italian relationship with labeling, the parallelism that exists between tags and labels, the influence of the label, and how it communicates the brand’s reliability.


Fashion “Cadica, la maggior parte degli italiani compra un capo se ha l’etichetta”

The article illustrates the search of Cadica reporting the results of the survey and the infographic. It is highlighted that 57% of respondents would not buy a label-free garment, and 6 Italians out of 10 attribute labelling to a strong functional connotation: labels are useful because they provide information on washing, composition, origin materials.

READ MORE : “Cadica presenta la prima ricerca sul rapporto degli italiani con il “labelling”: dall’etichetta al tag, questione di brand identity, riconoscibilità e affidabilità”

This article reports the full  research on the Italian relationship with labeling, the parallelism that exists between tags and labels, the influence of the label, and how it communicates the brand’s reliability.

READ MORE “il 57% degli italiani non acquisterebbe un capo senza etichetta”

The article describes the research by Cadica  highlighting the importance of the label for the Italians and how this affects the choice of clothing to wear.

Sicilia “ Il 57% degli italiani non acquisterebbe un capo senza etichetta, la ricerca di Cadica”

 The article describes research and how buying a clothing item is heavily influenced by the label, giving readers the possibility  to listen to the  audio of the article.

TODAY pubblicità Italia: “ La fiducia in un brand? Per chi fa shopping è questione di etichetta”

The article describes the research on the labeling and the infographic by Cadica and highlight  the usefulness of the label not only as a source of information but above all as an element of guarantee and trust in the brand.

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