KeyHouse: innovation and technology in detail @MunichFabricStart

Munich September 2016

We were positively amazed this season by the renovations at the Munich Fabric Start. Rooms were expanded with new concepts and were diversified in different and new areas, and the accessories were matched in a creative and striking fashion.

We were enthusiastic about these new expansions and we selected different samples to represent each fashion style, only to pleasantly find out later they had been displayed in the trendiest showcases in the pavilion.

The most original addition was the Keyhouse – an area dedicated to highly technical products and to the newest technologies in the fashion world.

Thanks to the products we exposed in the Keyhouse, we could take part to the Hightex Award contest, where we received a reward for the woven label in polyester-polyurethane material as an example of innovative product. It was certainly a successful choice – the combination of a classic product, such as a woven label, with a polyester-polyurethane yarn, that gives the fabric a rubbery and soft-touch feel suitable to every style.

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CADICAGROUP Srl - Via dell'Agricoltura, 51/C, 41012 Carpi (MO), Italy - VAT IT03508840364
a Cognita Design production