Every label is an artwork
Made with care
Every single Cadica product is made with care, research and passion. The attention for details and the strive for perfection is what makes our labelling a piece of art.
And it is from this very concept that was borne the idea of our corporate video – CADICA INTO DETAILS.
In the beautiful setting of Centrale Fies (centre of contemporary art) in Trentino, Italy, Cadica products become masterpieces to display.
The guests of this exhibition are equipped with magnifying glass to appreciate the value of every detail.
The wonder in discovering a product made by Cadica is followed by the surprise in realizing that that very item is found in our everyday life.
The label examined through the glass and framed like a picture on the wall is the same one we admire on our clothes and which we appreciate like a work of art
Here are some of the backstage moments captured during the making of the corporate video Cadica INTO DETAILS