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Textiles in turmoil, in 2021 the Made in Italy M&A are launched

The current year began with a wave of important operations in the textile-fashion sector that saw as protagonists large fashion groups.

The objective is to secure the pearls of the supply chain after the phase of foreign acquisitions, in particular french, which characterized the previous decade.

The shopping scene of the supply chain saw as protagonists also groups less known by the general public, but with a great industrial importance including Cadica, a group specialized in the supply of labels, tags and packaging acquired by the international investment fund Hig Capital in 2019, which took over the majority of the Graphic Label Group 2000 in June, with the aim of enhancing the management of “variable data” (Qr Code, Rfid).

Read the full article, also published on Pambianco Magazine in September: 

Tessile in fermento, nel 2021 scattano le M&A made in Italy – Pambianconews notizie e aggiornamenti moda, lusso e made in Italy

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