CadicaGroup ESG Report 2022

‘We must completely change the way in which we have worked so far. It is necessary to act as precursors trying to think about the future consequences in the choices we make today’

Starting 2022 we can say that we have structured an international Group, that has defined and continues to define day by day, a shared philosophy within the companies that are part of it.

On the one hand, we aim at maintaining great attention on customers and product quality. On the other hand, we are committed to undertaking a sustainable business activity.

At the same time, we are focused on maximizing the opportunities related to the transition that is taking place in the world. 

Download and read the CadicaGroup ESG Report 2022

CADICAGROUP Srl - Via dell'Agricoltura, 51/C, 41012 Carpi (MO), Italy - VAT IT03508840364
a Cognita Design production