Cadicagroup announces a strategic partnership with Scatolificio Cartotecnica Giorgi Srl

Carpi – Cadicagroup Srl, company renown among major clothing brands as a supplier of products such as labels, hangtags and packaging, announces that Scatolificio Cartotecnica Giorgi Srl (Giorgi) has become part of the Group.
Giorgi is based in Tolentino (Macerata) and is specialized in designing, developing and producing packaging boxes and shopping bags for important fashion, cosmetics, jewellery, eyewear and spirits brands. Approximately 70,000 boxes are produced daily at its 4,000 square meter production site, thanks to highly advanced and automated procedures and systems.
Giorgi’s experience and commitment in developing sustainable and eco-friendly procedures is a perfect fit with Cadica Group’s vision, values and footprint.
Furthermore, this strategic partnership will allow Giorgi to access Cadica Group’s distribution platform, thus allowing to combine and maximize the skills and expertise of both companies. This will ultimately lead to a stronger competitive offer and a wider product portfolio.
Andrea Carnevali, President and founder of Cadica Group, said “We are pleased to be able to continue our growth together with Giorgi. As well as being a key Italian player in the packaging sector and one of the most innovative businesses in the industry, the company is also particularly attentive towards product sustainability and quality – aspects that are at the heart of our continual development”.
Alessandro Giorgi, CEO of Scatolificio Cartotecnica Giorgi, commented: “I strongly believe that the partnership with Cadica Group will allow to accelerate Giorgi’s’ growth and development, giving us the opportunity to reach a broader audience and offer a wider range of products to Cadica customers “.
Since April 2019 H.I.G. started an aggregation project in the world of fashion accessories, creating a new business pole in this sector: the “Cadica Group” (Cadica, Bernini, Estro, Tessilgraf, Giorgi).
Raffaele Legnani, Managing Director of H.I.G Capital in Italy, said: “We are excited to announce that Giorgi has joined our aggregation project. This operation, which is perfectly part of the Cadica Group’s strategy and that aims to continue the growth through further acquisitions of complementary companies, will allow the Group to benefit from important synergies improving the service for its customers ”