CADICA is SA8000 certified
We have finally achieved the SA8000 certificate, the “Ethical certification of social responsibility”
We have been aiming to achieve SA8000 for a long time and we have worked with strong determination to reach this goal, demonstrating the commitment to ensuring a safe and socially responsible working environment throughout all the Group, providing a standard that can be verified by accredited bodies and that is worldwide recognized.
The SA8000® standard is voluntary and international. Companies seeking to be socially responsible must respect the principles set out therein, including the recognition and improvement of workers’ rights, working conditions and an effective management system.
Since 2019, these principles have been formalized in the Cadica Group’s Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics, together with the SA800 certificate and the soon-to-be-achieved ESG social reporting, is the main focus of the Group’s governance model and sets the guiding principles of our organization.
At Cadica, human capital is an essential element of competitiveness and development. We believe in our people and promote trust, transparency, and collaboration. We encourage the creation of an optimal working environment to achieve excellent results, protecting workers who are directly or indirectly involved in the production chain, and who work with us in the realization of our activities.
Inclusion is a value that we would like to share with all our stakeholders. We believe suggestions and reports coming from each one of you are valuable, no matter what role or part you represent in our supply chain.
If you are experiencing situations that are in contrast with SA8000 principles, let us know via our main specific channels of communication:
E-MAIL spt@cadica.com
ONLINE FORM https://www.cadica.com/sa-8000/